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How Big Tech Impacts Our Lives

132 stories published since 2014

Senator Says Censorship in Turkey Raises “Serious Questions” About Facebook's Commitment to Free Expression

Tinder and OkCupid Could Soon Let You Background Check Your Date — for a Price

America’s Drinking Water Is Surprisingly Easy to Poison

Sheryl Sandberg and Top Facebook Execs Silenced an Enemy of Turkey to Prevent a Hit to the Company’s Business

Twenty-Six Words Created the Internet. What Will It Take to Save It?

The U.S. Spent $2.2 Million on a Cybersecurity System That Wasn’t Implemented — and Might Have Stopped a Major Hack

Leaked Documents Show How China’s Army of Paid Internet Trolls Helped Censor the Coronavirus

Trump Won Florida After Running a False Ad Tying Biden to Venezuelan Socialists

Trump ganó Florida tras publicar un anuncio falso que vinculaba a Biden con los socialistas venezolanos

Al menos 800,000 residentes de estados clave recibieron robocalls pidiéndoles que se “quedaran en casa” el día de las elecciones. El FBI está investigando.

Robocalls Told at Least 800,000 Swing State Residents to “Stay Home” on Election Day. The FBI Is Investigating.

Foreign Hackers Cripple Texas County’s Email System, Raising Election Security Concerns

Facebook’s Political Ad Ban Also Threatens Ability to Spread Accurate Information on How to Vote

Amazon’s New Competitive Advantage: Putting Its Own Products First

2020 Political Ad Collector

Millions of Americans Might Not Get Stimulus Checks. Some Might Be Tricked Into Paying TurboTax to Get Theirs.

The Hate Store: Amazon’s Self-Publishing Arm Is a Haven for White Supremacists

When the State Shifted to E-learning, This Rural School Superintendent Shifted to the Copy Machine

Some Election-Related Websites Still Run on Vulnerable Software Older Than Many High Schoolers

TurboTax Is Still Tricking Customers With Tax Prep Ads That Misuse the Word “Free”

Dating Apps Can Be Dangerous. Congress Is Investigating.

The IRS Decided to Get Tough Against Microsoft. Microsoft Got Tougher.

Like Voldemort, Ransomware Is Too Scary to Be Named

Kansas Abandons Technology Trumpeted by Kris Kobach, Trump’s Onetime Voter Fraud Czar

We Are Investigating *****ual Violence and Dating Apps

YouTube Promised to Label State-Sponsored Videos But Doesn’t Always Do So

The Ransomware Superhero of Normal, Illinois

Millions of Americans’ Medical Images and Data Are Available on the Internet. Anyone Can Take a Peek.

Report on Election Security Gains Attention, and a Sharp Rebuke

How Kentucky Gambled for Hundreds of Millions of Dollars From a Broadband Program It Didn’t Qualify for

How Amazon and Silicon Valley Seduced the Pentagon

New York Is Investigating Whether Facebook Lets Advertisers Discriminate

Civil Rights Groups Have Been Warning Facebook About Hate Speech In Secret Groups For Years

People Are Using Secret Facebook Groups To Spread Hate We Can’t See. We Need Your Help.

Methodology: How We Tested an Aggression Detection Algorithm

Aggression Detectors: The Unproven, Invasive Surveillance Technology Schools Are Using to Monitor Students

Sting Catches Another Ransomware Firm — Red Mosquito — Negotiating With “Hackers”

The Trade Secret: Firms That Promised High-Tech Ransomware Solutions Almost Always Just Pay the Hackers

We’re Reporting on Ransomware. Do You Know Something About an Attack?

A High-Speed Internet Boondoggle Is Now a Campaign Issue in Kentucky

Kentucky’s $1.5 Billion Information Highway to Nowhere

The Missing Millions: Some States Are Still Waiting for the Gambling Windfall

Prosecutors Dropping ***** ***** Charges After Software Tools Are Questioned

HUD Sues Facebook Over Housing Discrimination and Says the Company’s Algorithms Have Made the Problem Worse

Legalized Betting Could Change How We Watch Sports

Facebook Won’t Let Employers, Landlords or Lenders Discriminate in Ads Anymore

Facebook and Twitter Turned to TurboVote to Drive Registrations. Officials Want Them to Turn Away.

Facebook Moves to Block Ad Transparency Tools — Including Ours

Do You Know Someone Struggling With Video Gambling? ​Help Us Understand Video Slot and Poker Addiction in Illinois.

Georgia Officials Quietly Patched Security Holes They Said Didn’t Exist