Marcus Stern


Marcus Stern was a reporter at ProPublica. Previously, he had worked for Copley News Service in Washington, D.C. since 1983. In 2006, he shared the Pulitzer Prize and George Polk Award for his role in breaking the story of former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's wide-ranging corruption. Stern has also reported extensively from Iraq and other conflict zones. He spent most of the 1990s covering immigration issues for Copley.

Rocky Road Ahead for DREAM Act

After failing to win comprehensive immigration reform, immigration proponents are now hoping to use the lame-duck session to snag an 11th-hour consolation prize: the DREAM Act.

The New Democrats: The Coalition Pharma and Wall Street Love

When the Democrats took control of Congress they promised a new era that would end the excesses of what they labeled a Republican "culture of corruption." Today, many of the same techniques and tactics are still in use, this time by Democrats.

Is your member of Congress a New Democrat?

Administration Takes Steps That Will Reduce Deportation Risk for Many Undocumented Immigrants

As the Obama administration tries to increase the number of criminals it deports, it's lowering the risk of deportation for millions of undocumented immigrants who've lived in the country for long periods without committing crimes.

Obama Administration Considers Bypassing Congress on Immigration Reform

Leaked memo shows that the Obama administration is considering bypassing Congress to get immigration reforms that would give permanent resident status to tens of thousands of people currently in the country illegally.

Lobbyists and Lawmakers Bond During Springs***** Concerts

At least 19 congressional fundraisers were held at Bruce Springs*****’s two Washington concerts last year, almost half of them in skyboxes rented from companies or organizations with business before the committees of the lawmakers who used them.

Lobbyists Help Smooth the Way for a Tax Break for Foreign Rum Maker

Diageo, the world's largest liquor conglomerate, stands to make billions at Puerto Rico's expense in a deal to move its rum production to the Virgin Islands. Diageo, based in London, has gotten help from an assortment of pricey lobbyists.

When Is a 'No' Really a 'No'

Judiciary Chairman Conyers to Host Super Bowl Fundraiser

A report by the Sunlight Foundation's Party Time says that Rep. John Conyers, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has Super Bowl tickets to sell. For $5,000, supporters can get a ticket to the big game and two seats at a fundraising luncheon for the congressman.

Pass Super Bowl Tips to ProPublica

Leadership PAC Tracker

How much did your congressman's Leadership PAC raise, and where did that money go?

Leadership PACs: Let the Good Times Roll

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