Lisa Larson-Walker

Art Director

Photo of Lisa Larson-Walker

Lisa Larson-Walker joined ProPublica in the spring of 2020 as its first art director. She previously worked as art director of Slate magazine. There, she helped lead a team in-house redesign that was awarded honors for best website redesign/relaunch by Folio magazine. Her freelance illustration work has appeared in outlets including ACLU Magazine, The Baffler, Barron’s, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, and The New York Times.

She graduated from The Cooper Union School of Art.

She Photographed Police ***** at a 2014 BLM March Then Watched the Image Go Viral During Capitol Riot

The much-shared pairing of photojournalist Natalie Keyssar’s image of a peaceful Black man being assaulted against a photo of white rioters walking free in the Capitol “represents the rage and sadness I feel.”

What the Photos of Wildfires and Smoke Don’t Show You

The West will need “good fire” — controlled, managed fire that balances the ecosystem — to stave off deadly, out-of-control fire. We need to know what that looks like.

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