Derek Kravitz

Research Editor

Photo of Derek Kravitz

Derek Kravitz was the research editor at ProPublica.

Previously, he was a reporter and editor for the Greater New York section of The Wall Street Journal; a national economics writer for The Associated Press in Washington, D.C.; a local government and transportation staff writer at The Washington Post; and a crime reporter at the Columbia Daily Tribune in Missouri.

Kravitz was also a postgraduate research scholar at Columbia University, and was a co-author of the journalism school's independent review of Rolling Stone magazine’s now-retracted campus-***** story.

Kravitz graduated with a bachelor of journalism degree from the University of Missouri and master’s degrees in international relations and journalism from Columbia University. He teaches investigative reporting at Columbia’s Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism.

The Trump Administration Says It Has Violated Its Own Ethics Pledge

We found multiple Trump ethics pledge violations hidden in a little-noticed government report. They show inappropriate actions by government employees, lobbyists and former business clients.

Trump Town

Tracking White House staffers, Cabinet members and political appointees across the government

How Taxpayers Covered a $1,000 Liquor Bill for Trump Staffers (and More) at Trump’s Club

A top-shelf, closed-door drinking session. $546-a-night hotel rooms. A special government credit card for Mar-a-Lago. Taxpayers foot the costs — and the president profits.

We Found 95 New, Undisclosed Trump Appointees

Among the latest hires: a longtime DuPont manager who is now at an EPA position that is typically not a political appointment.

How We Found Donald Trump Jr.’s Secret Investment in a Fundraiser’s Business

What do an ice rink in Central Park and a golf course in the Bronx have to do with a greenhouse in Texas? Decoding a Trump mystery.

Your Medical Devices Are Not Keeping Your Health Data to Themselves

*****AP units, heart monitors, blood glucose meters and lifestyle apps generate information that can be used in ways patients don’t necessarily expect. It can be sold for advertising or even shared with insurers, who may use it to deny reimbursement.

What’s in a Resume? A Lot, When It Comes to Trump Staffers

We’re compiling the resumes of political appointees for our Trump Town application — and some of them include telling information not revealed in financial disclosure forms.

New in Trump Town: Staffer Resumes

After discovering that the resumes of political appointees include information not revealed on their financial disclosure forms, Property of the People used data from Trump Town and Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain as many staff resumes as possible.

The Immigrant *****ren’s Shelters Near You

We found 100 facilities holding immigrant *****ren and have mapped 88 of them. Help us find out more about the facilities and the *****ren being held there.

Estos son los centros con niños inmigrantes que están cerca de ti

Hemos encontrado 100 instalaciones donde están los menores inmigrantes y hemos mapeado 79 de ellas. Ayúdanos a descubrir más sobre los centros y albergues y sobre los niños que están en ellos.

We’ve Found $16.1 Million in Political and Taxpayer Spending at Trump Properties

Most came from political entities such as the Trump campaign, but government agencies chipped in, too. “I could offer clarity,” one federal employee explained, “but I choose not to.”

Paying the President

Track the money that goes into the president’s pocket from political campaigns and taxpayers.

Trump’s Appointees Pledged Not to Lobby After They Leave. Now They’re Lobbying.

Despite agreeing to five-year bans, at least six former administration officials are registered lobbyists and others are doing similar work without registering.

Trump Body Man Turned EPA Whistleblower Is Violating Ethics Rules, the Agency Says

Kevin Chmielewski, who was fired by the EPA in March, spent a year in the Trump administration but never filed a financial disclosure form. That could bring criminal consequences.

How You Can Use Trump Town

Look through thousands of records on Trump administration appointees. Here’s how you can use them in your research.

How We Compiled Trump Town

We assembled an authoritative database of the people appointed to government positions by the Trump administration. Here’s how we did it.

What We Found in Trump’s Drained Swamp: Hundreds of Ex-Lobbyists and D.C. Insiders

For the first time, political appointee and federal financial disclosure information is publicly searchable.

After a Sweet Deal With Dad, Eric Trump Assembles a Valuable Penthouse

The president’s son is combining three apartments overlooking Manhattan’s Central Park — one of them bought at a steep discount from his father — to create 2,400 square feet worth considerably more than he paid.

Brain Drain At the EPA

Some 300 scientists and environmental protection specialists have departed the agency during the Trump administration.

U.S. Commerce Official Still Holds Stake in Company Linked to Putin Associates

Wendy Teramoto, the agency’s chief of staff, has maintained the investment in the wake of calls for an investigation.

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