Mollie Simon

Research Reporter

Photo of Mollie Simon

Mollie Simon is a research reporter at ProPublica. A graduate of the University of Georgia, she previously worked as a researcher for LegiStorm and as a reporter for the Anderson Independent-Mail and Greenville News in South Carolina. She was also a Scripps Howard Foundation research fellow at ProPublica.

The Low-and-Slow Approach to Food Safety Reform Keeps Going Up in Smoke

The U.S. has one agency that regulates cheese pizza and another that oversees pepperoni pizza. Efforts to fix the food safety system have stalled again and again.

Utah Makes Welfare So Hard to Get, Some Feel They Must Join the LDS Church to Get Aid

Utah’s safety net for the poor is so intertwined with the LDS Church that individual bishops often decide who receives assistance. Some deny help unless a person goes to services or gets baptized.

America’s Food Safety System Failed to Stop a Salmonella Epidemic. It’s Still Making People Sick.

For years, a dangerous salmonella strain has sickened thousands and continues to spread through the chicken industry. The USDA knows about it. So do the companies. And yet, contaminated meat continues to be sold to consumers.

Postcard From Thermal: Surviving the Climate Gap in Eastern Coachella Valley

In the climate crisis, it’s possible to live in the same place but inhabit different worlds.

“We’re Not Allowed to Hang Up”: The Harsh Reality of Working in Customer Service

In their own voices, seven customer service representatives reveal what it’s like being caught between abusive callers and demanding employers.

Few Cops We Found Using Force on George Floyd Protesters Are Known to Have Faced Discipline

ProPublica compiled 68 videos that seemed to show officers using disproportionate force on protesters. A year later, police have disclosed discipline for a total of 10 officers.

Eugene Clemons May Be Ineligible for the Death Penalty. A Rigid Clinton-Era Law Could Force Him to Be Executed Anyway.

His lawyers presented no defense at trial. Then a clerk’s office misplaced a plea for his civil rights behind a file cabinet. Now, it’s almost impossible for the federal courts to address the problems with his case.

Meet ProPublica’s 2021 Diversity Scholarship Recipients

With additional support from The Pudding, ProPublica will be sponsoring these 25 talented student journalists to attend conferences including NABJ, AAJA, ONA and IRE.

Why We Can’t Make Vaccine Doses Any Faster

President Biden has promised enough doses for all American adults by this summer. There’s not much even the Defense Production Act can do to deliver doses before then.

How Many Vaccine Shots Go to Waste? Several States Aren’t Counting.

The CDC says health facilities should report unused and spoiled COVID-19 vaccines, but many are failing to do so. At a time when there aren’t enough shots to meet demand, significant numbers may be going in the trash.

Students! ProPublica and The Pudding Want to Help Pay For Your Journalism Expenses in 2021.

We’re giving 25 scholarships to help you attend a journalism conference and/or to support your work.

How Operation Warp Speed Created Vaccination Chaos

States are struggling to plan their vaccination programs with just one week’s notice for how many doses they’ll receive from the federal government. The incoming Biden administration is deciding what to do with this dysfunctional system.

Calls Increase for NYPD Commissioner to Be Stripped of Absolute Authority Over Officer Discipline

Recently released documents show that NYPD commissioners have used their authority to reject the civilian review board’s recommendations and even guilty pleas from officers themselves.

What It Looks Like When the New York City Police Commissioner Has “Unchecked Power” Over Officer Discipline

While a civilian board can prosecute misconduct cases involving NYPD officers, the police commissioner has the final word. Frequently, that power is used to reduce penalties.

It Wasn’t the First Time the NYPD Killed Someone in Crisis. For Kawaski Trawick, It Only Took 112 Seconds.

Trawick was alone in his apartment when an officer pushed open the door. He was holding a bread knife and a stick. “Why are you in my home?” he asked. He never got an answer.

California Will Keep Burning. But Housing Policy Is Making It Worse.

There are ways to keep people and homes safer from wildfires. Then, there’s what California does.

Emails Show the Meatpacking Industry Drafted an Executive Order to Keep Plants Open

Hundreds of emails offer a rare look at the meat industry’s influence and access to the highest levels of government. The draft was submitted a week before Trump’s executive order, which bore striking similarities.

The NYPD Is Withholding Evidence From Investigations Into Police *****

The NYPD has regularly failed to turn over key records and videos to police ***** investigators at New York’s Civilian Complaint Review Board. “This just seems like contempt,” said the now-retired judge who ordered the NYPD to use body cameras.

Kamala Harris Reading Guide: The Best Reporting on the Vice Presidential Candidate

Harris has spent decades in elected office, moving from prosecutor to the presidential trail. If you are just catching up, here are some of the highlights of her journey.

What Has Happened to Police Filmed Hurting Protesters? So Far, Very Little.

We asked police departments about viral videos showing cops escalating violence against protesters. Most refused to name the officers or provide updates on their investigations.

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